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A Musical Christmas

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A Musical Christmas continues to receive such positive feedback, so we are delighted to producing it once more. A perfect start to Christmas!

Members will rehearse for 4 weekends leading up to the performances.

Performances are on 19, 20, 21, 22 December

Guys & Dolls

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Guys and Dolls JR. is a 60 minute adaptation of the show considered by many to be the perfect musical comedy. It’s just completed a West End revival and we’re looking forward to seing what our older members in year 9+ bring to this perennial crowd pleaser.

Set in New York City, Guys and Dolls JR. follows gambler, Nathan Detroit, as he tries to find the cash to set up the biggest crap game in town, while the authorities breathe down his neck. Meanwhile, his girlfriend and nightclub performer, Adelaide, laments that they’ve been engaged for fourteen years without ever getting married. Nathan turns to fellow gambler, Sky Masterson, for the dough, but Sky ends up chasing the straight-laced missionary, Sarah Brown.

Guys and Dolls JR. takes us from the heart of Times Square to the cafes of Havana, but everyone eventually ends up right where they belong.

Auditions Early June
Rehearsals Monday 11 August to Wednesday 20 August
Performances Thursday 21 & Friday 22 August


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Disney’s Newsies JR. is a 60-minute version of the 2012 Broadway musical, based on the 1992 film, and we’re delighted that our members in schools years 6, 7, and 8 will have to opportunity to perform this rousing musical, this Summer.

When powerful newspaper publishers raise prices at the newsboys’ expense, the charismatic Jack Kelly rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions. Together, the newsies learn that they are stronger united and create a movement to fight for what’s right.

Auditions will be held in early June.

Auditions Early June
Rehearsals Monday 11 August to Wednesday 20 August
Performances Thursday 21 & Friday 22 August

Easter Holiday Activity

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We are delighted that our much-loved Easter Holiday Activity is back this year!

We are offering children and young people the opportunity to take part in a fun and creative experience this Easter. Participants will spend 4 days working with a team of Directors and Musical Directors, staging songs alongside professional Musical Theatre performers. On the fifth and final day, two performances will take place with a live band for friends and family to enjoy.

It’s the perfect opportunity to meet new friends, gain confidence and perform in a fun and creative atmosphere.

Age 5 to School year 8

Monday 7 to Thursday 10 April
10am to 4pm

Friday 11 April
10am to 8pm

Bedales, Steep
Cost £138

Places are limited.

A Musical Christmas

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Following the huge success of last year’s event, we are delighted to be bringing A Musical Christmas back to Petersfield this year. A different collection of songs and performances, but matched with the familiarity of last years coziness. 

We are transforming the Festival Hall into a warm and magical environment full of festive cheer. A Musical Christmas is an immersive event, rather than just a show – audiences will be seated on a variety of different chairs and sofas, all grouped around small tables. It’s going to be cozy and enchanting!

During the first 45 minutes there will be live music, along with games should you wish to get involved. Drinks will be on sale, and complimentary nibbles & treats will be available to all. This will be a great opportunity to catch up with friends and family.

After an hour of settling in, members of Petersfield Youth Theatre will perform a selection of Christmas songs, along with an eight-piece band. 

Performances are on 20, 21, 22 December

Tickets will be available on Monday 11 November.


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Join Roald Dahl’s most famous genius, Matilda Wormwood, as she overcomes adversity and battles against the child-loathing Miss Trunchbull, and her uncaring parents. Discover how her love of reading takes her to Mrs Phelps’ Library, where she develops an understanding of right and wrong, whilst telling a story that weaves make-believe with reality.

Tim Minchin’s witty score packs a punch, and PYT’s 70 strong cast of teenagers are set to prove that ‘Even if you’re little, you can do a lot’, in this specially written hour-long version of the West End smash hit musical!

Tickets All tickets are £12

Venue The Quad, Bedales School, Steep

For performance times and to book tickets, click below.

Summer Holiday Activity

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Summer Fun! offers a week full of fun and creative activities for children currently aged 5 to School Year 8.

Participants will have the opportunity to rotate through 4 workshops each day, experiencing theatre games, acting, singing, dancing, storytelling, craft and music. A perfect way to spend a week of the Summer holidays!

Monday 11 – Friday 15 August
10.00 to 3.00pm
Open to Aged 5 to current School Year 

Bedales School

Booking opens end of April.

Easter Holiday Activity

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We are delighted that our much-loved Easter Holiday Activity is back this year!

We are offering children and young people the opportunity to take part in a fun and creative experience this Easter. Participants will spend 4 days working with a team of Directors and Musical Directors, staging songs alongside professional Musical Theatre performers. On the fifth and final day, two performances will take place with a live band for friends and family to enjoy.

It’s the perfect opportunity to meet new friends, gain confidence and perform in a fun and creative atmosphere.

Age 5 to School year 8

Monday 8 to Thursday 11 April
10am to 4pm

Friday 12 April
10am to 8pm

Bedales, Steep
Cost £136

Places are limited.

A Musical Christmas

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A Musical Christmas promises to be the perfect way to start your festive celebrations.

We are transforming the indoor Quad at Bedales into a warm and magical environment full of festive cheer. A Musical Christmas is an immersive event, rather than just a show – audiences will be seated on a variety of different chairs and sofas, all grouped around small tables. It’s going to be cosy and enchanting!

During the first hour there will be carol singers walking through the crowd and live music playing, along with games should you wish to get involved. Drinks will be on sale, and complimentary nibbles & treats will be available to all. This will be a great opportunity to catch up with friends and family.

After an hour of settling in, members of Petersfield Youth Theatre will perform a selection of Christmas songs, along with an eight-piece band. After the performance, more festive treats will be available as you continue to enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Tickets are £14 each and sold as unreserved, and your actual seating will be allocated by our dedicated team before you arrive. Be reassured, that there won’t be a stampede for seats, we’ll have it all calmly under control! The venue is intimate, so all seats will have a good view of the stage. If you wish to sit with friends or family, it’s important that you book together. Remember; book together to sit together!

We hope you’ll be able to join us!

Priority Booking – Saturday 11 November
Public Booking – Monday 13 November

Show in a week

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We are delighted to announce that Show in a Week is Bugsy Malone.

If you like the thought of a Speakeasy, Gangsters, Splurge Guns and great songs, this is for you!!

You will spend 5 days rehearsing with a Director, Musical Director and Choreographer to create a performance on the final day for friends and family.

Show in a Week is open to young people in current School Year 3 to 8.

Monday 21 – Friday 25 August
10.00 to 4.00pm
Open to current School Year 3 to 8
Cost £128