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Les Misérables Masterclass

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Sunday 18 June | 11am – 5pm

Young people aged 12 plus are invited to take part in this exciting day of musical theatre. This project is open to both PYT members and non-members.

Jill Farrow will be working with us along with Chris Cuming. Jill has been the Musical Director on many of our PYT productions – we look forward to working with her again on this exciting project. Jill will be joined by Chris – Chris is a young director and choreographer who has recently worked on the European premier of YANK the musical. Chris will also be directing our Autumn production – FAME…the musical.

To sign up for this project simply fill in the application form and return to:
PYT, The Space, 2a Heath Road, Petersfield GU31 4DU
When your application form has been received we will send you further information.

Costumes for Hire

By Uncategorized

We have been very encouraged that some of our regular costume hirers have been back in touch and managing to come up with inventive ways of putting on their productions in these uncertain times. If you are looking for costumes for youth members please do get in touch as we are able to provide a COVID safe visit to our wardrobe department and welcome working with creatives again!

[button color=”extra-color-1″ hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”” text=”Download our Costume Hire Flyer” color_override=””]


For more information about hiring costumes, please see our Costume Hire  page.

Or email our team who would be delighted to hear from you at

All that Jazz!

By Past Production, Uncategorized

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